Prim. Univ. Prof. Dr. Georg Bischof, FEBS

Medical speciality Services My publications About me When it comes to health, only the best is good enough. I follow this motto individually for each and every patient. That means surgical treatment at the highest level. I take the time it takes, because my patients should feel safe and know that they are in good … Read more

Priv. Doz. Dr. Bernhard Dauser, FEBS, MBA

Medical speciality Services My publications About me In my work with patients, it is particularly important to me to conduct an appreciative and trusting conversation, through which a tailor-made therapy can be found for each patient. In my surgical work, the focus is on reducing surgical trauma. I use the latest minimally invasive surgery techniques … Read more

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Schindl

Medical speciality Services About me I treat you with the greatest professional competence and the most modern treatment methods. But also with a lot of understanding for your individual worries and fears. I listen to you and give you as much time as you need. This creates a very personal foundation for successful treatment: mutual … Read more