Univ. Prof. PD Dr. Martin Schillinger

Medical speciality

  • Internal medicine
  • Angiology
  • Cardiology


  • Internal medicine with special field heart and vessels
  • Cardiac ultrasound
  • Vascular ultrasound
  • Cardiac catheter with stent implantation
  • Vascular catheter with stent implantation
  • 24-hour ECG
  • 24-hour blood pressure measurement
  • Medical Checkups

About me

I offer solution-oriented medicine based on the latest scientific findings and explain the background and context so that patients understand the treatment proposals and therapies. My patients come to me primarily with heart problems, blood pressure problems and circulatory disorders.

Curriculum vitae

1998: Doctorate Dr. med. univ. at Med Uni Vienna with distinction after 9 semesters
2001: Habilitation in angiology at MedUniWien with award of the venia docendi and the title of Univ. Doz.
2002: Awarded the title a.o. Univ. Prof. at the Med Uni Vienna
2004: Graduated as a specialist in internal medicine at the Vienna General Hospital (AKH)
2005: Habilitation Internal Medicine at Med Uni Vienna with award of the title Priv. Doz. (PD)
2007: Graduated as a specialist in cardiology at the Wilhelminenspital Vienna
2009: Graduated as a specialist in angiology at the Vienna General Hospital (AKH)
2012: Founding of the group practice IMED19 together with Dr. Reinoud Homan

Contact details

Telephone:  +43 1 367 13 73
E-Mail: ordination@nullimed19-privat.at

Office hours at Imed19-privat:
Monday 3 – 8 p.m.

Please contact me – I look forward to seeing you for a first interview!