Prim. Univ. Prof. Dr. Kurt Redlich

Medical speciality

  • Rheumatology
  • Internal medicine


  • Clarification and therapy of rheumatic diseases


over 60 publications in international journals with the main emphasis on: “Inflammatory Bone Loss”

About me

My speciality is the clarification of all rheumatic diseases with great empathy and longstanding experience. My strengths include my competence and accuracy.

Curriculum vitae

1985-1994: Study of human medicine at the University of Vienna
1994: Doctorate med. univ. at the University of Vienna
1997-2004: Assistant doctor at the clinical department for rheumatology of the University Clinic for Internal Medicine III
since 2003: Physician for Internal Medicine
2004: Awarded the venia docendi for internal medicine
since 2006: Physician for Internal Medicine and Rheumatology
2004-2012 : Senior physician at the Clinical Department for Rheumatology at the University Clinic for Internal Medicine III
2012-2018: Deputy Head of the Clinical Department for Rheumatology at the University Clinic for Internal Medicine III
since 2018: Head of Department of the Center for Diagnostics and Therapy of Rheumatic Diseases; Hietzing Clinic

Academic practice:

since 1997 over 100 lectures, of that invited lectures (i.a.) at:

  • University Hospital Zurich
  • University Hospital Münster
  • EULAR Congress
  • ACR-Congress
  • University of Glasgow
  • British Society of Rheumatology
  • Austrian Association of Rheumatology (ÖGR) annual meetings
  • Austrian Society of Internal Medicine (ÖGIM) annual meetings

Organization of congress

2014: 10th Central European Congress of Rheumatology, Vienna with about 700 participants
2012–2015: Annual meeting of the Austrian Association for Rheumatology, Vienna with about 400 participants
2005: 5th Global Arthritis Research Network (GARN), Vienna
2007–2009: Member of the scientific committee for the planning of the American Rheumatology Congress

Contact details

Telephone: +43-1 367 13 73

Office hours at Imed19-privat
Monday 4:00-8:00 p.m. by arrangement

Please contact me – I look forward to seeing you for a first interview!